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Training NEW

Hearthstone  /  Boost  /  Training

Boost Service

Training Hearthstone


Number of hours
with driver

Training from the player top 100 legends

*Please enter your message in the text area.
You can pay for HEARTSTONE training.
The recommended number of hours of training is 2 hours.

Below are the main questions you can ask our trainers. Each client chooses items as they wish, based on their needs.


General Questions:

  • Description of general aspects of the game.
  • Description of certain aspects of the game.
  • The lesson is held individually, based on your needs and level of play.
  • You will also play 1-2 games under the guidance of a coach.


Secrets of Craftsmanship:

  • Answers to your questions.
  • Tips and simple tactics for beginners.
  • Correct deck selection.
  • Select tactics based on the deck.
  • We will teach you how to count your moves in advance.
  • Secrets of Improving Skills.


Our trainers are LEGEND.

Contact us if you have any questions - lower right corner.



Registration order





Total: 12 usd.

The order will be completed in 2 days.